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System Massage

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Kneaded Relief Joann Suriano Tucson AZ

Clinical, Therapeutic Massage Therapy

Joanne’s passion is to help people in need, which prompted her to work closely with chiropractors, acupuncturists, medical doctors and physical therapists.

“My work is a combination of techniques including structural therapy, myofascial release, Swedish and medical massage. This gives me the flexibility to address acute or chronic pain from injuries and repetitive movements or decreased range of motion resulting from neurological events such as strokes.”
Joanne is also trained in relieving respiratory distress whether from asthma, bronchitis or COPD.  Click here to read more…

Unlocking the Thoracic Cage

MASSAGE CLASS: In this hands-on class, you will learn to ease and increase respiratory capacity. Learn to identify fascial restrictions and the use of stretching, Myofascial release, and breathing techniques.

NOTE: Class is for experienced massage therapists. Please call for latest information for the next available class.

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